Mount St. Joseph University
School of Education
Teacher Licensure Programs Performance Data
外网天堂’s Initial Licensure Programs are nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) until Spring 2026 and are approved in Ohio by the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE).
The School of Education offers accredited programs for Initial Licensure in the following undergraduate and graduate areas:
- Early Childhood Education (PK-5)
- Middle Childhood Education (grades 4-9) – Mathematics, Science, English Language Arts, Social Studies
- Adolescent Young Adult (grade 7-12) – Life Science, Chemistry, Integrated Science, Integrated Mathematics, Integrated Social Studies, and Integrated Language Arts
- Special Education (K-12) – Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Intense
- Art Education (K-12)
- Music Education (K-12)
Additionally, 外网天堂 has a state-approved Dual Licensure program that combines the Early Childhood PK-5 and Special Education Mild / Moderate & Moderate / Intense undergraduate programs, which is anticipated to be reviewed by CAEP at its next visit in fall 2025.
CAEP mandates that four specific accountability measures be reported each year by educator preparation providers. This reporting is meant to allow providers to routinely gather, analyze, and report critical data about their programs as one means for public accountability, transparency, and continuous improvement. The data encourage in-depth evaluation, self-interrogation, and reporting, and they are useful for both employers and prospective applicants.
CAEP Accountability Measures
Measure 1. Completer Effectiveness
1a. Completer Impact in contributing to P-12 student-learning growth
Evidence Link: Value-Added Data
1b. Completer Effectiveness in applying professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions.
Evidence Link: Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES) Data
Measure 2. Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement
Evidence Link: Employer Perceptions Survey
Measure 3. Candidate Competency at Completion
3a. Ohio Assessment of Educators (OAE) Licensure Examination Pass Rate of Completers
Evidence Link: Ohio Assessment for Educators (OAE) Licensure Examination Pass Rates of Completers
3b. Graduation Rates in the School of Education
Evidence Link: Graduation Rates in the School of Education
Measure 4. Ability of Completers to be Hired
Evidence Link: Employment Placement Data