Mental health conditions can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, or background.

外网天堂 student walking with phone

At 外网天堂, we use this month to shift public perception, spread hope, and share vital information to people affected by suicide.

Here are a list of MSJ and local resources to discuss suicide prevention and to seek help:

Navigate to Professional Self-Help in your Pocket

TAOConnect : Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) Self Help Library

All of us will hit a bump in the road or have a challenging life situation at some point. Therapy Assistance Online (TAO) is a suite of online tools that is designed to provide you with a tool kit of effective evidence-based resources to help you bounce back from those setbacks. You have completely anonymous, free access, 24/7/365. It’s like navigating on your favorite movie app…just with content that can make a difference in how you think, feel and function!

Check it out today - Download the @TAOConnect app or login to

Interested in Personal Counseling?

Find help at MSJ Wellness Center Counseling Services. Call 513-244-4949 for an appointment or email

Prefer 24-Hour Virtual Access?


With TimelyCare (formerly LionsHealth), full-time students can access a doctor, mental health provider or personal health coach anytime, from anywhere. Licensed providers can diagnose non-emergent medical conditions, prescribe medications and offer mental health support and wellness coaching via phone or secure video visits.

Full-time students can:

Get easy mobile access, anytime, anywhere

Speak with a licensed provider within minutes

Get support, diagnoses, care plans, electronic prescriptions, and referrals as needed.

Connect through or by downloading the TimelyMD App


If you are facing a dangerous life-threatening situation: Call 911
National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Call or text 988 or chat
24/7 Emergency MSJ counselor on call: 513-807-2516
Campus Police: 513-244-4200 or “0” from any campus phone.

24/7 Suicide Prevention Hotlines: 513-281-2273 (281-CARE)
TEXT “TALBERT” to 839863

Emergency Psychiatric Care: University Hospital Adult Mobile Crisis Unit: 584-8577

              PES Main Line: 584:5700

Drug and Poison Information Center
Children’s Hospital Medical Center
24-Hour Hotline: 636-5111

Local Agencies:

Crossroads Behavioral Health Center
311 Martin Luther King Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45219

Tri-Health/Good Samaritan Hospital: Psychiatric Outpatient Program
Emergency psychiatric intake: 513-872-2850

For the 'Front Door' to community mental health services in Hamilton County, please call Mental Health Access Point at 558-8888 any time, day or night.