Our friendly, dedicated advisors are here to help all students navigate the ins-and-outs of academic life, from registering for classes to applying to graduate. We love helping students, and our custom-tailored advice is always free.


Drop by our office in the Conlan Center for a chat. Or email us: advising@msj.edu.

Have a question for the Academic Advising Resource Center? Please fill out this form. 


       Type your question here: 

Ways We Can Help You

  • Major (or minor) requirements.
  • Class schedules/registration.
  • Transfer credits.
  • Preparing for faculty advisor meetings.
  • Degree audits.
  • Changing or choosing majors.
  • Adjusting to college.
  • Study tips.
  • Time management or school-work-life balance.
  • Overcoming senioritis.
  • Fulfilling all requirements to graduate.

Got a question—or a concern—not on the list? No worries. Email us, or stop in, and we’ll help you anyway!


Registering for Classes

Check out the video below to learn how to register for courses in myMount!


Advising for Traditional Students

Before registering for class, traditional students must meet with their advisors, who provide guidance on class choices, career aspirations, and registration clearance.


Advising for Non-Traditional Students

We encourage adult students to meet or talk with their advisor before registering for classes. Advisor registration clearance for adult students is required for the following majors: art, biology, chemistry, education, nursing, psychology, and social work.


Our Mission 

Academic advising is available for all degree-seeking students.  In fulfilling its mission to foster success by assisting students in the development of educational plans and career goals, 外网天堂 strengthens the learning environment by providing the opportunities for ongoing academic support services focusing on the students. The advisor assumes the responsibility to serve as the primary resource and guide to assist students in achieving their academic and career related goals.


Our Location

The Academic Advising Resource Center is located in the Conlan Center and proudly boasts a team of full-time advisors to assist students. Advisors embrace the importance of effective, ongoing academic advising from a student’s perspective. We want you to have the best chance of success at 外网天堂.


Contact Information

Academic Advising Resource Center
Mary Mazuk, Director

(513) 244-4213