Various affinity groups at the Mount serve and support the Mission of embracing a diversity of cultures as well as respect and care for all persons. The Center for Mission and Belonging is a resource for all affinity groups, with availability to collaborate on and promote events, programs and activities of all groups.
Black Student Union
BSU members organize activities that promote social interaction and understanding between members and the wider Mount community. It supports and advises African-American students, and promotes diversity and awareness by hosting and participating in events on and off campus.
First to Go and Graduate Student Organization
First to Go supports first-generation college students and provides guidance to help them succeed at the Mount.
Helping all Veterans in Communities (HAVIC)
Helping all Veterans in Communities (HAVIC) provides outreach to the local community in need, local military and military members overseas, disabled Veterans in the community, and supports fellow student Veterans. It also serves to assist and educate about veteran and military affairs. For more information, visit the .
Hispanic LatinX Student Union
Hispanic/Latinx Student Union provides a safe, inclusive space for all students to learn about Hispanic/Latinx culture and heritage with engaging and educational activities.
Professional Allies Group
Professional Allies is comprised of faculty and staff who meet each month and actively discuss and create avenues to support the LBGTQIA+ community at the Mount.
Rainbow Alliance
Rainbow Alliance provides a safe space for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions to meet and learn; offers opportunities to discuss the challenges surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity within the Catholic and University Mission of respecting all people; and, builds community pride, mutual understanding and support for all.