Our November Pride of the Lions goes to The Wellness Center!

I am delighted to announce that the “Pride of the Lions” award for November goes to the Mount’s Wellness Center team: Jaimi Cabrera, Molly McDaniel, Patsy Schwaiger, Peggy Welge, Johanna Richardson (part-time social worker), and Joey Moore (social work intern) – along with Sarah Rank and Sirine Lilina from TriHealth. The Wellness Center provides counseling and health services to students, faculty, and staff, in addition to leading community engagement events that focus on overall wellbeing.
On the afternoon of Halloween, for example, the Wellness Center and the student group PAWS (Peers Advocating for Wellness) co-sponsored “Well-o-ween,” an event to draw awareness to mental health, wellness, and suicide prevention. It included information booths from twelve on-campus and five off-campus groups, serving more than 100 participants. More broadly, the Wellness Center has been very busy this fall. It has provided more than 670 service appointments for counseling sessions, intake meetings, Let’s Talk (drop-in counseling sessions), Lion’s Alert, and Health Service visits. This year, the Center has also taken on leadership and management of the Lion’s Cupboard, which has provided resources to approximately 40 students.
We appreciate Jaimi’s leadership and her team’s care for the University community. Please join me in recognizing the exceptional work of the Wellness Center team!
H. James Williams, Ph.D.