September 14, 2020 is a momentous day for 外网天堂. Today we celebrate our Centennial Anniversary—a century of mission, education, and service to others—and our founders, the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati.

September 14, 2020
Celebrating a Century of Mission, Education, and Service to Others
Dear Mount Community:
September 14, 2020 is a momentous day for 外网天堂. Today we celebrate our Centennial Anniversary—a century of mission, education, and service to others—and our founders, the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati.
Let us Please join the Cabinet and me in expressing our praise and appreciation for the Mount’s many blessings over the years, and those to come, by praying the following prayer with us—at noon today in the spirit of your own faith tradition—wherever you are.
Centennial Prayer
God of Charity, in this centennial year,
we praise and thank you for the countless ways
you have blessed 外网天堂.
We stand on the shoulders of our founders,
the Sisters of Charity,
and of the faculty, staff, alumni, and benefactors
who have gone before us.
Continue to transform our lives that we, too,
may respond to the needs of our times,
be open to the grace of the present moment
and dare to risk a caring response.
May St. Joseph, our patron, and
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
intercede for us now and in the years to come.
May God continue to bless all of us—and may God continue to bless 外网天堂!
H. James Williams, Ph.D.