ࡱ> UWTQ  bjbjYY 7N;e;ennv&$R"0jjjjjjM0cl"F0v!,#:#M#Mj0:v#n y: Name________________________________________ Date ________________________ 3-Year BSN Pathway Prerequisite Courses Please complete the form below regarding your prerequisite courses and submit it to Sandra.Matthias@msj.edu. Required Course (MSJ Required Course)College/University where you took (or plan to take) the courseCourse Prefix, Number and TitleSemester and Year you took (or plan to take) the courseCourse GradeFor office use only(PSY 103) Introduction to Psychology (SOC 103) Introduction to Sociology (CHE 104/104A) Chemistry with Lab (BIO 197/197A) Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab (BIO 198/198A) Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab (ENG 101) Written Word (COM 100) Spoken Word Religious Studies/optional (NUR 100) Health Promotion summer term before clinical programOTHER REQUIREMENTSGPA 3.5 or higher HS Algebra I and II, Chemistry C or higherPersonal Statement Applicants' Interest in Nursing, reasons for choosing a 3-year pathway, and plan for successTwo letters of recommendation Mandatory meeting with PD Discuss health requirements for clinical Program requirements MNOuv     + , M _ ̷îեwrmew`w`wYm hf$hE>k hd5h:thq5 hq5 hE>k5h:thE>k5h$$h$$CJaJhdhYxaJhdhZqaJhdhdaJhdh$$aJh!v5CJaJhf$h!v5CJaJh75CJaJhd5CJaJhdhd5CJaJhE>k5CJaJh~5S5CJaJh~5ShE>k5CJaJ NO   , k    $Ifgd!vFfH $$Ifa$gd:tgd$$$a$gd]gd]   5 6 < K Z [ ] ^ _ e t  ! * - 3 r x Q W v | ǷÏhjWhjW5hb@hb@5CJaJhb@hjW5hzBhzB5CJaJhzBhjW5CJaJhjW hjW5 hn5hjY hjY5hqhqh~5S5 hq5hE>khqhq5hqhE>k56  kdb$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq  5 6 7 8 9 : ; $Ifgd!v; < kd\$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq< K ^ _ ` a b c d $Ifgd!vd e kdV$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytqe t $Ifgd!v kdP$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq $Ifgd!v kdJ$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq $Ifgd!v kdD$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq    $Ifgd!v   kd> $$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq + , - . / 0 1 2 $Ifgd!v2 3 kd8 $$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq3 = r s t u v w $Ifgd!vw x kd2 $$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytqx $Ifgd!v kd, $$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq $Ifgd!v kd& $$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq $Ifgd!v kd $$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq Q R S T U V $Ifgd!vV W kd$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytqW u v w x y z { $Ifgd!v{ | kd$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq| & F$IfgdzB $Ifgd!v gdt1fkd$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t0644 lap<ytq51h0:pq= /!8"8#8$8% F$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t<0655[ 55 55v p<ytqkd$$Iflֈf$f(5[  v t<0644 lap<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytq$$If!vh#v#v[ #v#v #v#vv :V l t0655[ 55 55v p<ytqw666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@6666_HmH nH sH tH @`@ )eZNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRi@R 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List jj !v Table Grid7:V0HH $$ Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ6U 6 d0 Hyperlink >*B*phcRv!!R d0Unresolved MentionB*ph`^\q PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭VGRU1a$N% ʣꂣKЛjVkUDRKQj/dR*SxMPsʧJ5$4vq^WCʽ D{>̳`3REB=꽻Ut Qy@֐\.X7<:+& 0h @>nƭBVqu ѡ{5kP?O&Cנ Aw0kPo۵(h[5($=CVs]mY2zw`nKDC]j%KXK 'P@$I=Y%C%gx'$!V(ekڤք'Qt!x7xbJ7 o߼W_y|nʒ;Fido/_1z/L?>o_;9:33`=—S,FĔ觑@)R8elmEv|!ո/,Ә%qh|'1:`ij.̳u'k CZ^WcK0'E8S߱sˮdΙ`K}A"NșM1I/AeހQתGF@A~eh-QR9C 5 ~d"9 0exp<^!͸~J7䒜t L䈝c\)Ic8E&]Sf~@Aw?'r3Ȱ&2@7k}̬naWJ}N1XGVh`L%Z`=`VKb*X=z%"sI<&n| .qc:?7/N<Z*`]u-]e|aѸ¾|mH{m3CԚ .ÕnAr)[;-ݑ$$`:Ʊ>NVl%kv:Ns _OuCX=mO4m's߸d|0n;pt2e}:zOrgI( 'B='8\L`"Ǚ 4F+8JI$rՑVLvVxNN";fVYx-,JfV<+k>hP!aLfh:HHX WQXt,:JU{,Z BpB)sֻڙӇiE4(=U\.O. +x"aMB[F7x"ytѫиK-zz>F>75eo5C9Z%c7ܼ%6M2ˊ 9B" N "1(IzZ~>Yr]H+9pd\4n(Kg\V$=]B,lוDA=eX)Ly5ot e㈮bW3gp : j$/g*QjZTa!e9#i5*j5ö fE`514g{7vnO(^ ,j~V9;kvv"adV݊oTAn7jah+y^@ARhW.GMuO "/e5[s󿬅`Z'WfPt~f}kA'0z|>ܙ|Uw{@՘tAm'`4T֠2j ۣhvWwA9 ZNU+Awvhv36V`^PK! ѐ'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsM 0wooӺ&݈Э5 6?$Q ,.aic21h:qm@RN;d`o7gK(M&$R(.1r'JЊT8V"AȻHu}|$b{P8g/]QAsم(#L[PK-![Content_Types].xmlPK-!֧6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!g theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK] N    ; < d e   2 3 w x V W { |   !"#$%&L# @0(  B S  ?*+3!*!* !]Dh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohp^p`OJQJo(hHh@ ^@ `OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHoh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJo(hHh^`OJQJ^Jo(hHohP^P`OJQJo(hH !          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