FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

  What are the admission requirements for the graduate program in Education?

Our admission requirements are:

  • A completed graduate application at 
  • A letter of intent
  • A resume
  • Contact information for two professional references
  • Reference Survey- this is completed only by your references
  • Official college transcripts
  How long will it take to complete the graduate program?

Students have 15-24 months to complete their program. Part-time students have up to 5 years to complete.

  What can I do with a graduate degree in Education?

All of our teaching majors include a licensure piece as well as the Graduate degree. This allows the graduate to work in a school setting in specific areas of licensure. The graduate programs provide intense and exceptional preparation above the undergraduate program for any educational setting.

  Is the GRE required?

We have the right to require the GRE if your undergraduate GPA is lower than 3.0.

  If I am only interested in teacher licensure, do I still need to apply and be accepted as a graduate student?

Yes, you still need to apply and be accepted as a graduate student.

  Do I need an undergraduate degree in education to be accepted in graduate education programs?

No, you do not need an undergraduate degree in education to be accepted.

  What is the difference between the traditional masters and accelerated programs?

The accelerated program is an intensive program that runs as a cohort and can be completed in as little as 15 months. The traditional format master’s program allows greater flexibility and can be done at the student’s own pace.

  What is the cost per credit hour?
Please refer to the current
  How many credits will it take to earn licensure?
This varies greatly by licensure area. Contact the School of Education for more information.
  Can I continue working while pursuing graduate study in education?

You can work while enrolled in the traditional master’s programs, part-time programs, and accelerated programs. All graduate education programs require observation hours and field experiences at local K-12 schools. Required hours vary by program.

  Can someone in the department review my credentials prior to applying?
Contact the School of Education to be put in touch if you have specific questions.
  What is the application deadline?

The traditional programs and part-time programs have a rolling admission process for Summer, Fall, and Spring. The accelerated programs typically begin in May (Summer) with an application deadline of April 1st

  When are courses offered?

Graduate courses in education are typically offered evenings, Saturdays, or online.

  Can I transfer previous graduate coursework into a graduate program in education?

You may transfer up to nine semester hours of graduate credit. The coursework must be less than 10 years old with a grade of C or better. All graduate transfer requests are subject to the approval of the Graduate Education Department chair.